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FENN correspondent Dave Hunt is at the 2019 Truth Quest Conference right now as this story is in print. The exciting news is that we have the first reports from the Canadian Truth Quest 2019; It was a sold out show! This comes on the heels of reports of a decreased attendance at the QE2019 (Question Everything) sponsored by Joe Garcia and the weak attendance at last years FEIC (Flat Earth International Conference).

So What Is An FE Conference Anyway?

What’s an FE conference? It’s a special and unique blend of people and ideals all come together under one roof at last. In the flat-earth collective there is always a feeling of loneliness permeated by guilt as one wonders whether they believe in a flat-earth or not. FE conferences do one thing very well, that is to illustrate that you are not alone! And that others are facing the same disingenuous ingratitude that we are facing on a daily basis. It does the heart good to stand in a room with people who talk like you do… human nature if you will. Like birds sitting on a wire, only this time it’s meaningful.

Tired of feeling alone and dissatisfied with the flat-earth data? There is always someone there that will click in with your thought pattern. The diversity of the conference-goers assures this.

The Conference

Taking place in Calgary Alberta Canada, the conference is scheduled to take place through Saturday (5/19) And remember that as of the time of this publication the conference was totally sold out. A sharp contrast to conferences held this past year at American and other venues.

It’s important for everyone reading this to understand that the concept of events of this nature is simply to unite you, the seeker, with others that are at varying degree’s of information regarding the flat-earth data. Pick one, there you will find someone like you, someone that has decided to push the flat-earth into the frontal lobes where it belongs.

Mark Sargent Interview

One of the goals while at the conference for our man David Hunt was to catch a scheduled interview with Mr. Mark Sargent. That went well and the raw footage is being processed at this time and will most certainly be made available to you on FER VIDS.

Mark Sargent is the best, no one that we know of actually posts his REAL phone number and actually answers our calls. And he has repeatedly allowed us here at FERLive access to his work, his brain and to his life. On behalf of all the people at FERLive, thanks to Mark Sargent for everything brother. U R Appreciated!!!

Look for the interview at FERLive.com