619-552-2000 info@FENewsNet.com

Approximately two hours into his show, the great Mark Sargent was silenced by the strange disappearance of the TFR broadcast signal as TFR drops offline for hours. TFR, Truth Frequency Radio… has to our knowledge never experienced an outage of this caliber. iHeart Radio affiliate TFR went down about two hours into the “Strange World” program hosted by Mark K. Sargent. The program was carried at that point only by a group of friends with YouTube channels and this station.

LOS – It Happens To The Best Of Us!

Short for loss of signal, LOS is an indicator on a networking device that shows a signal or connection is dropped or terminated. At the time of the creation of this story, the broadcast signal had not yet returned and was going into it’s third or fourth hour. While issues of this nature are not really too uncommon, the length of time the station has actually spent off-the-air definitely is. Generally a two or three minute black out or loss of signal (LOS) is to be expected, but heading into the third hour is seriously a reason to take notice. Wary of an LOS, most stations maintain a backup for redundancy in the event that this occurs, but not this time. A quick check of the website reveals no information.

YouTubers Come To The Rescue

Almost immediately a group of fast-acting YouTube listeners with channels all their own went into action and carried the conversations going on with Sargent’s show. The show was being rebroadcast by Zulu One on his channel and a host of others. FERLive hooked in and joined the party by interrupting its regular feed and carrying the remainder of the “Strange World” show on our station.

Its not uncommon for Flat-earther’s to come out in a show of unity and solidarity this way. Flat-earth groups tend o be a tight knit bunch, and are frequently called together to share information and discern the data. We meet in what we call meetups, mashups, conferences and conventions held all over the place. One convention last year was even held in Auckland New Zealand! The measures of leaps and bounds that the flat-earth collective has grown can scarce be measured. And indeed the community grows more each day as more and more people awaken to the truth.

Suspicious Blackouts

One might very well suspect that it is this reason for such things to happen. It’s not too far from the realm of possibilities that negative entities are bent on confounding our every move. And that the truth movement has come under attack simply cannot be disputed. Many dark and fearsome government and non-government entities have pronounced themselves to be enemies of the flat-earth collective. Taking down a broadcast tower of interfering with the broadcasts of truth networks has long been a practice. Ever since Bill Cooper was ran off the road and killed just before the turn of the Millennium we have seen this.

At the time of publishing of this news story TFR was still absent, and a response to accept an interview was just received from Mark Sargent and will be set for tomorrow (June 12), more on the story at that time.

TFR Link __ (Oh cumon now are you serious? Like we’re really gonna provide a link for the competition!)