Author: Flat Earth, Banjo, USA, Japan and Brazil This is a “clean” version from the original by Hibbeler Productions (The Greatest Deception 2019). If you want to watch the original version with the “f” words included, please follow the link and subscribe to Hibbeler. I love my brother Daniel Pratt but I removed the “f” word so my kids can watch this documentary. Original: source

Read More In this video I review the following books: The Fastest Pen of the West – A Biography of Bill Kaysing by Albino Galuppini Part Two. Avoid Science Falsely So-Called by Noel J. Hadley In The Eternal Gullible by Noel J. Hadley The Atlantean Conspiracy by Eric Dubay Where Are We by Chad Taylor Walt Disney – Hollywood’s Dark Prince by Marc Eliot source

Read More Hello guys, I just want to give you guys an update on the flat earth model I’m working on. I hired a carver to carve the flat earth out of a 16 inches round and flat piece of wood. The work has been slow due to the fact, the carver is a busy person. Phase 1 will be completed on August 20th, and then I will start “Phase 2” which is making it waterproof, painting the continents and add the stuff I’m thinking about adding to make it work. I will be uploading a video in September with the…

Read More Rivers flowing up a ball-Earth make no sense whatsoever! Only on a Flat, Stationary Earth can rivers flow downstream to the lower parts. Earth is Flat and does not Move! Here is an earlier release of my book “16 Emergency Landings Proving FLAT EARTH”. At the moment is only available on LULU. Please click on the link below. I decided to go full-color A4 size. Little profit as the print cost is $35 dollars per book. Any profits will be used for more Flat Earth projects. Thanks for each one of you in advance and God bless you all!…

Read More Hello guys, here is an earlier release of my book “16 Emergency Landings Proving FLAT EARTH”. At the moment is only available on LULU. Please click on the link below. I decided to go full-color A4 size. Little profit as the print cost is $35 dollars per book. Any profits will be used for more Flat Earth projects. Thanks for each one of you in advance and God bless you all! A4 FULL COLOR in Print eBook: For a high-resolution Gleason’s map, please download it here: source

Read More Hello guys, my book “16 Emergency Landings Proving FLAT EARTH” is out! At the moment is only available on LULU. Please click on the link below. I decided to go full-color A4 size. Little profit as the print cost is $35 dollars per book. Any profits will be used for more Flat Earth projects. Thanks for each one of you in advance and God bless you all! A4 FULL COLOR in Print eBook: For a high-resolution Gleason’s map, please download it here: source

Read More This is just a short review explaining some details of the book like the pricing and why color instead of black & white. At the moment is only available on LULU. Please click on the link below. I decided to go full-color A4 size. Little profit as the print cost is $35 dollars per book. Any profits will be used for more Flat Earth projects. Thanks for each one of you in advance and God bless you all! A4 FULL COLOR in Print eBook: For a high-resolution Gleason’s map, please download it here: source

Read More Free high resolution Flat Earth Map here: Emergency Landings proving Flat Earth here: For a print book for those who want one, Lulu Store Amelia Earhart flight route here: ☑️Feeling like supporting me? Odysse Channel: Back Up Channel 01: Back Up Channel 02: Bitchute: source

Read More I visited Mr. Kocho’s Carving Shop in Okazaki City with Enoki-san. Mr. Kocho was curious about this particular order, an AE Map out of a piece of wood. He had many questions to ask me. I gave him a high-resolution print of the Gleason’s Map and a copy in Japanese of Eric Dubay’s 200 Proofs the Earth Is Not a Spinning Ball. We could have talked for hours as he wanted me to stay longer but I had to leave early. I will be back there. I did not give him any Japanese Bible. I don’t have one, I…

Read More Free high resolution Flat Earth Map here: Emergency Landings proving Flat Earth here: For a print book for those who want one, Lulu Store Amelia Earhart flight route here: ☑️Feeling like supporting me? Odysse Channel: Back Up Channel 01: Back Up Channel 02: Bitchute: source

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