Author: Eric Dubay

Psi Science is the rigorous on-going scientific pursuit of experimenting and testing the validity and reliability of so-called psychic or paranormal phenomena. Common psi abilities include such things as mind-to-mind connections (telepathy), mind-over-matter interactions, (psychokinesis), perceiving distant places, people, objects, or events (clairvoyance), perceiving the future (precognition), prophetic dreams, déjà vu, spiritual healing, the power of prayer and intention, intuition, gut feelings, and the sense of being stared at. The term “telepathy” was coined in 1882 by Frederic Myers, founder of the Society for Psychical Research, during his investigation into what was formerly known as “thought transference.” Reports and documented…

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Nowadays and for the past five centuries, since the introduction of the heliocentric globe deception, all world maps and explorers have depicted and described the North Pole and surrounding region as being nothing but an arbitrary point in a semi-frozen tundra. Previous to this however, depictions and descriptions of the North Pole and surrounding regions in world maps and ancient explorers’ accounts were very different. Firstly, before the 16th century, the North Pole was never once shown or thought to be just some random, ambiguous point amidst a low salinity Arctic Ocean as it is now. Instead, the North Pole…

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If you’re a flat-Earther or have searched the topic using YouTube’s ridiculously biased algorithm, or allowed YouTube’s auto-play feature to recommend your next video, or tried to send an Eric Dubay video to one of your globe-indoctrinated friends, you and they will likely have come across a “debunking” video by one of YouTube’s most pushed globe propagandists, SciManDan. source

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The movie “Star Wars” is famous for its idea of “the Force” which is described as “an energy field created by all living things that surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the galaxy together.” Though the Force is treated as fiction by Hollywood and most Westerners, in fact the concept has a rich history around the world. In traditional Chinese philosophy and medicine it is called “Chi.” Japanese mystics and martial artists call it “Ki.” Indian yogis and sadhus call it “Prana.” The Ancient Greeks called it “Pneuma.” Jewish Kabbalists call it “Nefish.” Christians call it the “Holy Ghost.” Muslims…

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Flatlantis is an exploration into the history of Flat Earth, the mythology of Atlantis, and the mystery of Mount Meru, the alleged magnetic mountain ancient cultures worldwide believed existed at the North Pole. Beginning with a complete history of the geocentric flat Earth cosmology and subsequent gradual adoption of the heliocentric globe Earth model, Flatlantis then delves into ancient polar mythologies, early polar history/cartography, modern polar expeditions, and the myriad problems with claims made by Cook, Peary, Byrd, Scott, Amundsen, and other explorers. Finally, in a metaphysical twist, the book ends with research into Freemasonry, Christian esotericism, the Atlantean legend,…

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Wolves in sheep’s clothing have pulled the wool over our eyes. For almost 500 years, the masses have been thoroughly deceived by a cosmic fairy-tale of astronomical proportions. We have been taught a falsehood so gigantic and diabolical that it has blinded us from our own experience and common sense, from seeing the world and the universe as they truly are. Through pseudo-science books and programs, mass media and public education, universities and government propaganda, the world has been systematically brain-washed, slowly indoctrinated over centuries into the unquestioning belief of the greatest lie of all time. To read or purchase…

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The following 6-hour documentary is currently the most complete and comprehensive presentation of the Flat Earth truth available that I know of. Narrated by myself, Eric Dubay, this videobook covers the majority of my best-selling “The Flat Earth Conspiracy,” book and is guaranteed to awaken even the sleepiest sheeple to the global deception. Please like, subscribe, comment and share to help get this most important documentary out to the masses! source

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Our brains are made up of tiny nerve cells called “neurons” which branch out and connect to each other forming a neural network. At each connection point, thoughts and emotions are incubated and holographically stored by associative memory. This means that all ideas, thoughts, feelings, and memories are interconnected and have possible relationships with one another. For instance the concept of motherhood is stored in all our neural networks, but each person’s concept is built from their own unique amalgamation of ideas, emotions and past experiences. Some people may have motherhood connected to unconditional love and forgiveness, so when they…

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The following presentation is a response to “Professor” Dave’s popular “10 Things All Flat Earthers Say” video that globe believers constantly share as if it’s some home-run for heliocentrism. If you see anyone posting his video, please be sure to share this debunking with them for me. And if you are new to the subject of our level motionless plane Earth, take some time to visit the following links: source

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As a teacher of Pranayama Yoga deep-breathing techniques for over a decade, I am regularly asked about a man named Wim Hof and the breath-work practice he has labeled “The Wim Hof Method.” This video is a response to this constant question I am asked, is intended to elucidate my position on the matter, and not meant as an attack on Mr. Hof who I appreciate for bringing widespread attention to the importance of proper breathing. Wim Hof has shown that through prolonged breath-work practice many seemingly super-human feats such as extreme cold resistance and rapid healing of illnesses is…

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