Author: Eric Dubay

Aristotle said “It is the mark of an intelligent mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” Tonight’s guest will be discussing what he calls the greatest deception in human history, a taboo subject so well suppressed and censored that the majority cannot even believe serious conversation is warranted on the issue. Big thanks to John Thor for Re-Mastering this important video. source

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There is an entire legitimate and well-researched branch of medicine called psycho-neuro-immunology which studies the effect of thoughts and emotions on human biochemistry. Biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton actually left his tenured University position to pursue his research in this fascinating field… Psychoneuroimmunology and The Placebo Effect was taken from my book, “Spiritual Science” available on Lulu and Amazon: source

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During the 1990s three independent scientific studies brought to light the importance of DNA and emotions in creating quantum reality. The first major study performed by Vladimir Poponin and Peter Gariaev at the Russian Academy of Science was deemed the “Phantom DNA Experiment” and yielded some fascinating results. First they created a vacuum in a specially designed test tube, and then measured the location of light photons inside to see if they were clumped at the bottom, clung to the sides, or dispersed all throughout. As expected, the photons were scattered randomly throughout the tube. When a strand of DNA…

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Flat Earth has long been touted as the mother of all conspiracy theories, marginalized, suppressed and ridiculed for centuries as being an ignorant ancient unscientific worldview, but the facts of the matter are far from what you have been told. “How Everything Works on Flat Earth,” elucidates exactly how the geocentric stationary plane model works and why the heliocentric spinning ball-Earth model is actually nothing but a pseudo-scientific deception. “How Everything Works on Flat Earth” is also available on DVD here: 200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball DVD: The History of Flat Earth DVD: The…

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Re-Mastered version of the ground-breaking interview where President of the International Flat Earth Research Society exposes and explains the globe hoax to Coast 2 Coast AM radio co-host If you are new to the subject of our level motionless plane Earth, please visit the following sites for much more information: Big thanks to John Thor for the Re-Mastered Eric Dubay video: source

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200 Proofs Rap is a song made to promote the most popular Flat Earth book and documentary ever made, “200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball.” 200 Proofs has now been translated into 26 languages and read/watched by tens of millions of people across the world. Read the free ebook in English: Watch the new full updated HD documentary on YouTube: Read the free ebook in Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Dutch, Ethiopian, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Kurdish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Tamil, Thai, or Urdu: Get the full-color hard-cover…

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Over the years I have collected a bunch of great humorous and educational Flat Earth memes and people are always asking me where they can find them. Below is a link to a folder with all 1000+ of my favorite Flat Earth memes for people to download and help post/share on their social medias: To learn more about our flat, motionless Earth, please visit: (Original Music by Eric Dubay) source

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There is a popular myth taught to school children (which most adults today still believe) that people in history have travelled in perfectly straight lines Eastwards or Westwards and eventually arrived back at their starting point. It is heralded as proof of the globe Earth, and claimed that hundreds of adventurers since Magellan have completed such successful circumnavigations, but the truth is that no one in history has ever set off travelling in a perfectly straight line and returned back at their starting point. All successful circumnavigations in history, whether by sea or air, have instead followed the same pattern,…

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Another short-coming of traditional Western science is its inability to explain the existence of forms in nature. No matter how we magnify or manipulate the material world, no mechanical model explains the emergence of the variety of unique and semi-unique forms in nature. Every type of rock, plant, animal, organism, bacteria, all aggregate themselves into distinct and definite types with traits/characteristics semi-unique to their form and completely unique to them individually. For example each oak tree has many semi-unique features that characterize it clearly as an oak and not a pine, like the shape of its leaves, being non-coniferous, etc.…

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In holograms, all parts are reflected in the whole and the whole is reflected in all parts, so if you chop a piece of holographic film into tiny bits then shine a laser onto any of them, no matter how small, you will still get a complete image. The “physical” world around us behaves much like a hologram. Just like a piece of holographic film, all quanta exist as interfering wave patterns. In and of themselves, these interference waves have no “solidity” – no definite properties or location – just like the squiggles/circles on holographic film. The image is distributed…

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