Author: Eric Dubay

In the following video/article taken from my book “The Flat Earth Conspiracy” I debunk 5 popular science myths long used to dupe people into believing the spinning ball-Earth theory, namely, circumnavigation, time-zones, ships disappearing over the horizon, Foucault’s Pendulum and the Coriolis Effect. source

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The enemies of truth have decided to start off the new year with a bang by completely shutting down, without warning or reason, the International Flat Earth Research Society forum. In just 10 months we accumulated over 3,000 members and averaged over 50,000 visitors per month which was apparently too much flat Earth truth for the internet to handle. According to Proboards section 25a, they claim the right to “shut down any forum for any reason at any time” which they enforced without a word to myself or the other admins on new years eve. This was not the first…

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Earth is not a tilting, wobbling, spinning space-testicle with bendy oceans or upside-down people in Australia, and nobody has ever landed on the Moon or gone into “outer-space.” Most NASA astronauts and the leading heliocentrists for centuries have all been members of the same Freemasonic secret society, slowly and successfully duping and taking over the world. The following research was taken from my book, “The Flat Earth Conspiracy” available on Lulu: For more information about our flat Earth please visit: source

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“Flat Earth and Other Shill Potatoes” is a show of impressions by Eric Dubay parodying various figures in the flat Earth community. The characters portrayed such as Patricia Steere, Mark Sargent, Jeranism, and the Flat Earth Asshole have a questionable history of spreading lies and disinformation which has been meticulously recorded by IFERS, The International Flat Earth Research Society here: There is also a special guest appearance by Del from Beyond the Imaginary Curve, who, unlike the rest of the characters, has an impeccable history of integrity and speaking the whole truth and nothing but the truth. His channel…

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Just having some laughs poking fun at several of the controlled opposition agents currently attempting to co-opt the flat Earth truth movement. This is a very serious and important topic, however, and if anyone hasn’t already, please visit the following threads exposing these shills and their lies: Patricia Steere: Mark Sargent: Math Powerland: The FE Shill Wall of Shame: source

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Just having some laughs poking fun at several of the controlled opposition agents currently attempting to co-opt the flat Earth truth movement. This is a very serious and important topic, however, and if anyone hasn’t already, please visit the following threads exposing these shills and their lies: Paul Michael Bales: Patricia Steere: Mark Sargent: Jeranism: The FE Shill Wall of Shame: source

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Join Mel Fabregas of Veritas Radio and Eric Dubay of the International Flat Earth Research Society for a discussion about the greatest deception in history, the mother of all conspiracies, NASA and Freemasonry’s biggest secret, that Earth is flat, motionless, and the center of the universe. source

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NASA and modern astronomy maintain that the Moon is a solid, spherical, Earth-like habitation which man has actually flown to and set foot on. They claim the Moon is a non-luminescent planetoid which receives and reflects all its light from the Sun. The reality is, however, that the Moon is not a solid body, it is clearly circular, but not spherical, and not in any way an Earth-like planetoid which humans could set foot on. In fact, the Moon is largely transparent and completely self-luminescent, shining with its own unique light. The Sun’s light is golden, warm, drying, preservative and…

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NASA and modern astronomy claim that stars are actually distant suns trillions of miles away, complete with their own solar systems, planets and moons. In the following video I zoom in on several stars using a Nikon Coolpix P900, the world’s longest optical/digital zoom camera to find out for myself. source

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