Author: JTolan Media1 [edit: 4/21/2019 YouTube appears to have ruined this video’s 3D effect by changing the colors so now the 3D effect is horrible. It’s as if you see the flat image and somewhat of the surface at the same time (horrible ghosting) On my screen it has absolutely no ghosting !!!] Requires red – cyan glasses. Watch the Moon surface features close up and witness its almost translucent appearance. The two images that form the stereo image were taken with a Celestron NextStar 8SC telescope during the full moon in August and September 2017 from a dark sky site in…

Read More The Globe Delusion is Ending Soon! Stimulating evidence for the flat earth is lurking everywhere! I wish I had more time to expound upon each slide. The soundtrack is called “wrench”, a sound track in Adobe Premier’s music library. [there is a typo on the Cyclone slide, the core rotation is COUNTER clockwise obviously, just like in the Northern “Hemisphere” (if viewed from top of surface) not north pole in a globe model where directions flip on the “underside” of the fictitious globe. let me know if you see any other typos. -JT source

Read More The gravity model is put to the test. Will it hold up? This is how it works: I align the telescopes optical axis to the same distant target from a few locations varying in horizontal distance from the target by slightly over 1 mile. The target is a tower at 54 miles average distance. The elevation angle of the optical axis of the telescope is measured with a high accuracy inclinometer. The experiment is designed and the locations chosen to produce results outside the measurement error bounds. Gravity is a vector field, meaning it has a magnitude and direction.…

Read More Stunning video clarity demonstrated on my IR videos with a denoiser illustrating how flat the world appears. The video denoiser is called “Neat Video” The camera is a Sony FDR – AX53, and the airplane a Boeing 737. source

Read More Spectacular imagery of Florida in 950nm infrared from a Ft Lauderdale to DFW flight, on a clear day. Captured with a Sony FDR-AX53 camcorder and 950nm IR long pass filter. My analysis is a quick flat surface analysis, I left the round surface as an exercise, it is more complex. If you do it correctly you will note that values do fit, yet I’ve noticed distant targets do contradict it, as if they have been “stretched” into the scenery from behind the curve. Such is the strangeness of the flat earth phenomena. My equation for the look down angle…

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