Browsing: yogi
What exactly is this Kundalini serpent energy that rises up our 33 vertebrae Tree of Life, and what are these…
The following is an instructional video showing how to do proper, effective Pranayama breathing, and how to use this practice…
Another fascinating phenomenon closely related to the OBE is the NDE or Near-Death Experience. The NDE is essentially the ultimate…
Using Ujjayi pranayama to slow down and direct the inhalation deep into the lungs, practitioners can increase inhalation and exhalation…
Shitali Pranayama or The Cooling Breath, like all mouth-inhalation techniques, is only to be used sparingly in situations where the…
The Pranayama Breath of Fire detoxifies and purifies the entire bloodstream which in turn feeds every cell in our body.…
Reverse Circular Breathing or “The Chi Cultivator” is especially good for strengthening core abdominal muscles and cultivating life force energy…
Ujjayi Pranayama or Ocean Breathing is a very important deep breathing technique to master because it is so often used…
The Yogi Complete Breath or 3-Part Circular Breathing is one of the best Pranayamas to include into your daily routine…
Yoga is an ancient vedic science of consciousness aimed at training the human body, mind and spirit for a state…