The Pranayama Breath of Fire detoxifies and purifies the entire bloodstream which in turn feeds every cell in our body. It improves digestion, helps regulate the pituitary, glandular, and nervous systems, increases vital energy and lung capacity, expels carbon dioxide and other stagnant toxins, and is an excellent abdominal workout for increasing core strength. To perform Breath of Fire, first sit, stand or lay with spine straight, and exhale all the air from your lungs. Then in forceful 1 second bursts tightly squeeze your abdominal muscles and exhale out your nose. A slight vacuum effect will automatically and involuntarily inhale a tiny bit after each exhale allowing you to continue breathing like this for several minutes with practice. Start by doing 1 second exhales for about a minute and work your way up to faster breaths and longer sessions. If you feel nauseous, dizzy or light-headed stop momentarily and take several deep breaths.



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