I visited Mr. Kocho’s Carving Shop in Okazaki City with Enoki-san. Mr. Kocho was curious about this particular order, an AE Map out of a piece of wood. He had many questions to ask me. I gave him a high-resolution print of the Gleason’s Map and a copy in Japanese of Eric Dubay’s 200 Proofs the Earth Is Not a Spinning Ball. We could have talked for hours as he wanted me to stay longer but I had to leave early. I will be back there. I did not give him any Japanese Bible. I don’t have one, I am not a missionary in Japan. If anybody knows where I can get Bibles in Japanese to distribute, please get in touch with me.

“16 Emergency Landings Proving FLAT EARTH”. At the moment is only available on LULU. Please click on the link below. I decided to go full-color A4 size. Little profit as the print cost is $35 dollars per book. Any profits will be used for more Flat Earth projects.

Thanks for each one of you in advance and God bless you all!

A4 FULL COLOR in Print


For a high-resolution Gleason’s map, please download it here:



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