There isn’t a consensus among those who believe that the earth is a perfect globe (according to NASA’s perfect sphere photographs) and those who learn in flight academies that the earth is an oblate spheroid (as enforced by Neil Degrasse-Tyson). The geometry and math used on a perfect sphere is totally different when applied on an oblate spheroid. While flights on the north and south would be “straighter” flights, when crossing the Equator things would have to be totally different. The flights I have listed in this video especially Air France 447 shows that airplanes are flying straight paths which only makes sense when the path is on a flat plane. If the earth were an oblate spheroid, when flying from South America to North America airplanes would have to tilt their nose down almos 180 degrees.

Mayday Aircrash Investigation show episode mentioned is called “Kid in the Cockpit” and the link is here. I encourage everyone to watch reruns of this show. It can be found on YT.



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