“Now, if we want to ascertain the shape of the floor of any large room we get down to the floor itself, and do not go about measuring the gas globes, or spots on the ceiling. So it is with respect to the Earth; to determine its shape we take observations of its surface, for whatever be the shape of the heavenly bodies – made only for lights – they cannot in any way effect the surface shape of the earth.

The laws which govern the behavior of light, and celestial phenomena, cannot in any way affect or determine the shape of the earth. No two subjects could be more dissimilar, than ethereal light and the dark solid earth.

If Mars is shown to act perversely from any standpoint, the logical deduction would be to alter our standpoint, the logical deduction would be to alter our standpoint, and enquire further into the peculiarities of his peregrinations. But before we give up our belief in the “plane earth” truth, someone must come forward and prove that water is convex and not level.

Should investigation prove, as seems probable, that there is a second circle of motion for Southern constellations about a central point, it would simply show that there are two celestial “poles” around which the different lights of heaven circle; but it would not follow that these so-called “poles” were caused by the rotating of the assumed sea-earth-globe, since we have already proved this is impossible.

Such “poles” or centres would be celestial, not terrestrial, and caused by the different ethereal currents carrying these small bodies of light with them in their appointed courses. In such a case, the sun, instead of being confined throughout the the year to one circuit or centre, would in turn revolve about the other, according to its varying declinations. “ Karl A. Smith (1904)

Midnight Sun video credit to IFERs – Eric Dubay
Caustic effect on coffee cup credit to Jeranism
#FEOffensive t-shirt = D.Marble
WW2 map can be found here:



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