Islamic Jihadists Kill Nearly 3,500 Nigerian Christians, Attack 300 Churches in 200 Days

A new report shows that a staggering number of Christians have been brutally killed by Nigeria’s Islamic jihadists so far this year.

In the past 200 days, 3,462 Christians were murdered by extremists. That is just 68 less than the total number killed in 2020 alone, according to data.

The report by the International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law (Intersociety) shows that, from May to July, 780 additional Christ-followers were abducted from villages throughout Nigeria.

Members of the Islamic jihadist group Boko Haram and Fulani herdsmen are named throughout the report. These terror groups are relentless in their efforts to gain control over the country through the kidnapping and killing of innocent victims.

Hundreds of children from Nigerian schools have also been targeted this year, kidnapped by armed insurgents threatening to harm their captives unless a ransom is paid.

CBN News reported that more than 300 boys were taken from a Government Science secondary school on Dec. 11 where police engaged in a shootout with the assailants.

Then, hundreds of girls were kidnapped in February from the Government Secondary Jangebe School in Zamfara state after a large group of gunmen raided the school.

In March, eight members of Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) in Kaduna were abducted at gunpoint. Kidnappers demanded a ransom of $131,000.

And last month, one student was killed and 10 people were abducted from the main campus of Nuhu Bamalli Polytechnic in Zairia, Kaduna state.

The latest report also shows that nearly 300 churches were attacked, destroyed, or burnt since January 2021. At least ten priests have been abducted or killed by the jihadists.

It was determined that houses of worship in Taraba State were the most affected.

No indication is given that any suspects have been arrested for the crimes or whether surviving victims and families of the dead victims receive support from the government of Nigeria.

Christian persecution watchdog group Open Doors ranks Nigeria high on the World Watch List, sitting at number 9 just below Iran.

3,462 Christians Hacked To Death in 200 Days As Nigerian Jihadist’s Attack Intensifies

Intersociety Nigeria released a report last week that over 3,400 Christians have been put to death by Nigeria’s Islamic Jihadists since January 2021. This nearly exceeds the number of Christian deaths reported by Open Doors USA for all of 2020.
Nigerians attend funerals of those who were attacked/Image from YouTube screenshot of Al Jazeera English

These deaths to no fewer than 3,462 (from January 1 to July 18, 2021) represent the second-highest since 2014 and averages seventeen Christian deaths daily when Boko Haram and Jihadist Fulani Herdsmen allegedly killed over 5,000 Christians.

In the same report released by the International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law (Intersociety) based in Anambra, at least 3,000 Christians have been abducted, ten priests and 300 churches have been attacked.

Communities in Nigeria’s farming-rich Middle belt have a troubling trend in the attacks by northeast Islamic extremists and radicalized Fulani herders, which raised the alarm with global human rights activists that prompted the report released by the said organization.

Statistical Data Sources

Intersociety, which Christian criminologist Emeka Umeagbalasi leads, compiles statistical data based on government accounts, credible local and foreign media reports, eyewitness accounts, and international rights groups. Intersociety describes itself as a “research and investigative rights group which has been monitoring and investigating religious persecution and other forms of religious violence by state and non state actors across Nigeria since 2010.”

There is a possibility that death tolls are skewed because of the lack of adequate government record keeping.

The group estimates that Benue state has 450 recorded deaths, followed by Kaduna state with 410 Christian deaths.

Concerned individuals have accused the Nigerian government of its inability to protect its citizens.

Open Door World Watch List 2021 lists Nigeria as No. 9 in the Christian persecution globally because of an “extreme” degree of Islamic oppression.

Furthermore, human rights activists warn that insurgent groups feel no sense of accountability for their actions for kidnappings.

There has been a rise in Jihadi attacks in West Africa since 2021 with Nigeria on top of the list, Christian Concern, a United States-based Christian persecution watch group, reports.

These attacks against Christians are a means for Islamic terrorist groups to impose a caliphate and Islamic Sharia law.

Nigeria Rankings on Global Terrorism

Nigeria ranks third in the Global Terrorism Index. This shows that the country is the third most affected by terrorism in the global arena. For instance, more than 22,000 were killed by terror attacks from 2001 to 2019.

Nigeria’s violence is equating to the standard for genocide. Furthermore, the U.S. State Department lists Nigeria as the first democratic nation to be included in “countries of particular concern” under the International Religious Freedom Act.

A U.S. Commission on International and Religious Freedom spokesperson warned in its 2021 annual report that Nigeria “will move relentlessly toward a Christian genocide” if action is not taken quickly.

“When the world and the U.S. ignored … [the] genocide in Rwanda, hundreds of thousands of people died,” former Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., said in a panel discussion on Nigeria earlier this month hosted by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.

“History is repeating itself,” he added.

Last year, a statement was released by the Nigerian presidency that activist groups who claim Nigeria has religious genocide are beneficiaries of funds from separatist groups. However, this was refuted by some activist groups.

This post originally found here.


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