Perquisites: Be sad and at the deepest point in your life and have some sort of complex
Step 1: Assume earth is flat
Step 2: Gravity won’t allow it so… it’s fake
Step 3: Stars won’t work so…
fuck it…it’s a firmament or some shit
Step 4: How can the world hide it … well they are just faking rivalry.
Step 5: Where’s the proof??
Two options : I) Just put religious text and anyone who opposed is a opposing the religion…
II) Don’t provide proof just say that the anything saying earth is spherical is false
Step 6: Deliberately misunderstand physics to make random claims to support your arguments in step 5 II)
Step 7: Stop using logic
Step 8: learn how to shout on internet
Step 9: Congrats you are a flat earther
Now go ahead and decrease the mean smartness level of humanity … and con gullible people into believing your fantasy that makes you feel special.
Thanks for your time!
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