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this is dabu 7. if there’s one thing

I’ve tried to get people ready for it is

a lights out situation and have done so

for quite a long time a lights out

situation can happen

in many different ways the sun could

cause it to happen your government could

cause it to happen many different things

could go into motion

and we’ve talked about hackers

regardless of what government is

actually behind it they could

bring the grid to a halt and put us in

the dark

and above all of these the scariest has

always been the EMP they could take out

the full continent

fry everything leaving everyone in the

dark now this talk of another

way that this is going to come about and

if we don’t change things quickly

they say that this is going to happen by

like 2025

and especially by 2030 when they want

all of America to be switching over to

these EVS but our grid cannot handle it

our grid is the most unique and complex

ever built in the world

it is a huge network of transmission

lines power plants and distribution

centers and there’s three major grids

the Eastern grid the Western grid and

the ercot grid otherwise known as the

Texas grid

of the three the Eastern grid is the


although these three groups can operate

independently they’re also connected in

a failed grid here means that there’s no

power for tens of millions of people for

prolonged periods of time

where people are put in the dark

and just imagine if this happens in an

area like Los Angeles or New York big


for a long time

it’s going to happen here at this rate

as their warning and they start to break

down some numbers here

they talk about all the energy that is

being consumed and that by 2025 the

United States will have more than 20

million EVS on the road by 2030 they’re

saying that more than half of the car

sales will be electric this strain will

the power grid they say

just to catch up with what the current

Administration wants us to do there’s

instant some insane loops and Hoops that

they got to jump through here to make

this happen

even if the United States is able to do

this they’re saying there’s not going to

be enough energy to support all of this

they’re going to say that

by 2025 according to the American

Society of civil engineers the inability

of the United States to maintain its

many power lines will cost the country

nearly 130 billion to be exact


for them to get to this point across the

United States

there are 21 EVS per public charging

port by 2030

to keep up with the EV purchasing Trend

and what’s being forced on the people

the United States must install almost

500 charging ports every single day

for the next eight years

all the way up to 2030. Non-Stop

does that sound realistic to you


many are warning now that with all this

added stress on the grid you’re going to

see a disaster now let’s just rewind to

this past summer California

they came so close to collapsing their

their grit there because of the strain

of the Heat and everyone trying to plug

into the grid most people trying to

charge their vehicle overnight and look

at the store the other day a guy tried

to to travel 175 miles it took him 15

hours why because you can only drive as

far as the car will go it has to stop

and it has to charge

are people even thinking about this

how much time is going to be spent dead

in the water on charging

you’re only going to be able to go so

far you’re not going to be able to

Simply stop at a gas station fill up and

keep on pushing

doesn’t work like that

hello America

you have a new issue in the form of

these EVs and it could the grid

anyhow this is some of the latest

information I’ll leave a link below make

sure to join me on the live streams

Monday and Friday at 9 00 PM Eastern on

top of 777 you’ll find links below hit

that subscribe button for more

much love y’all

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Surprising New Threat to US Power Grid Could Plunge The Country Into Darkness

The importance of a strong power grid cannot be emphasized enough. Often, when a grid fails, the results are terrifying. Of all the major power grids in the world, the United States’ is one of the more vulnerable to attack.

State-sponsored hackers from the likes of Iran, Russia, and, unsurprisingly, China pose a real threat to the United States’ electrical transmission lines. However, there’s another (far less obvious) threat to the grid: electric vehicles (EVs).

However, as mentioned, Americans must concern themselves with more “benign” threats. A recent paper, published in Applied Energy, discussed the threat of electric cars to the grid. Currently, there are 2.5 million electric vehicles in the United States; four in five owners opt to charge their cars overnight. This decision, according to the researchers, is putting a considerable strain on power grids.

By 2025, the United States will have more than 20 million EVs on its roads. By 2030, according to Bloomberg, more than half of car sales will be electric. The strain is increasing, and power grids are ill-equipped to shoulder the load.

If Bloomberg’s projection proves to be correct, then, as the researchers note, it will take 5.4 gigawatts of energy storage to charge EVs. To put 5.4 gigawatts into perspective, one nuclear power plant produces 1 gigawatt of energy. The United States currently has 55 power plants. To facilitate the new EV revolution, the United States requires many more. Considering California, the largest state in the country, has moved to ban the sale of gas-powered cars, and other states are considering introducing similar measures, the United States needs to get a move on. Time is very much of the essence.

What would happen if, say, the power grid was to fail in EV-crazed California? To answer that question, we need only rewind a few months. This past summer, plagued by scorching hot temperatures, the Golden State’s power grid came incredibly close to collapsing.

Learn More: https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/surprising-threat-us-power-grid-could-plunge-country-darkness

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