If anyone is being a honest flat earther, or rejecting the given model….
Stick to the seeing too far proof. That is all that is related to shape of earth.
All Flat earthers, globe rejectors are bounding together, and need to be staying together to ONLY concentrate on this topic of seeing too far, and this topic ALONE.

It is ENOUGH of including everything else. ONCE this topic of seeing too far is settled, ONLY then can we move forward. Look at all the crazy content Globers post about this topic. To some extent it is deserved. We have not stuck to the #1 fact! Staying on this, I know that hammering this point will eventually be understood and sink in.

How is the moon, the sun, the season, the borders, the ships, the planes going to do ANYTHING, if you dont have the direct measure DRILLED in, and recognized? This needs to penetrate before moving forward.

This BS argument of Refraction is NOT hard to prove false with multi recording points of the target, AND with gps, as well as RANGE finder measures. When that data is documented, there is going to be AT LEAST 50% or MORE of Globers to at least recognize a problem. The others will also slowly see the issue.

STOP RESPONDING WITH OTHER DATA. EVERY post should have a uniform response. Maybe we need to decide on the uniform response with a list of all the links to the videos of seeing too far, that also show that refraction cannot be uniform and consistent to all weathers and temps and show where objects appear where they actually are, and not be transparent, and all this is based on a UNIFORM light bending up. Never having a condition change due to the concept of refraction.

I am making a SubReddit wfor this discussion to be developed, and will post the link. What do you all think?

FE and Globers….Good idea?

“https://reddit.com/r/FlatEarthIsReal/comments/1g36wbl/notice_to_those_rejecting_the_given_model_fe_folks/”>View Reddit by RenLab9View Source


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