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Most people take flights in the Northern Hemisphere. After all, this is where the most popular destinations are located. There is North America, Europe, Asia, and about half of Africa all within the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, there is only South America, Australia, and the southern half of Africa. But there are some popular cities in this area of the world. If you have ever flown to or from cities in the Southern Hemisphere, then you will likely be aware of one thing. There are very few non-stop flights available.

The whole experience of flying in the Southern Hemisphere is very strange already. For one thing, airplanes deactivate their GPS tracking throughout their entire flight. This means that passengers cannot see where they are currently flying on the map screen in front of them. Plus, the flights themselves seem to take longer than they should. Flights between cities in the Southern Hemisphere will unnecessarily make 2 or 3 stops before they finally get to their destination. Most of the time, these stops are within the Northern Hemisphere. Why would the plane need to go north if the destination is in the south? Weird, huh?

You may be fortunate enough to be able to book a non-stop flight between cities in the Southern Hemisphere. Do not count on it actually being “non-stop.” Normally, these flights will need to take an unscheduled detour to refuel the plane. Could this fuel be needed because the flights are taking longer than they’re supposed to? It is no wonder the plane is flying over land most of the time. The flight pattern goes in a V-shaped detour to the north before going back down south again. If the plane flies low enough, you might even see the terrain of northern cities and wonder what the heck is going on.

Why are the planes doing this if the starting points and destination points are all in the south? There would be no reason to fly to the north if this were truly a global earth. Consider a non-stop flight from Sydney, Australia to Brazil in South America. The plane could just fly east for about 13 hours straight over the ocean if the Earth was round. Instead, the plane is likely going to fly west while making a few stops in the Northern Hemisphere. Why would it fly west over all these other continents when South America is just one plane ride away to the east?

The only possible answer is that the Earth is flat. This means South America does not exist to the east of Australia. You need to go west to get there because that is the only way to go on a Flat Earth map. If you go on YouTube, you can see plenty of other demonstrations which show why non-stop flights in the Southern Hemisphere are rare.



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