Author: FENews Original upload: DETOXIFY your life! An easy and effective solution! Watch this video on how MasterPeace can help you detoxify in a toxic world! Order here: Get the app! Learn the TRUTH! Learn the truth and meet like minded people near you. Get the Flat Earth Sun, Moon & Zodiac Clock app by Blue Water Bay To book Flat Earth Dave on your show and click the Book Flat Earth Dave link. Check out the PREMIUM Flat Earth Coffee: 15% off with code: flatearthdave If you would like to help…

Read More Original video. Get the app! Learn the TRUTH! Learn the truth and meet like-minded people near you. Get the Flat Earth Sun, Moon & Zodiac Clock app by Blue Water Bay To book Flat Earth Dave on your show and click the Book Flat Earth Dave link. DETOXIFY your life! An easy and effective solution! Watch this video on how MasterPeace can help you detoxify in a toxic world! Order here: Check out the PREMIUM Flat Earth Coffee: 15% off with code: flatearthdave If you would like to help promote…

Read More Get the app! Learn the TRUTH! Learn the truth and meet like-minded people near you. Get the Flat Earth Sun, Moon & Zodiac Clock app by Blue Water Bay To book Flat Earth Dave on your show and click the Book Flat Earth Dave link. DETOXIFY your life! An easy and effective solution! Watch this video on how MasterPeace can help you detoxify in a toxic world! Order here: Check out the PREMIUM Flat Earth Coffee: 15% off with code: flatearthdave If you would like to help promote flat earth and…

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Act as a flat earther and i try to convince you earth is round. Say go when you want me to start ChatGPT said: ChatGPT Go! You said: So you thibk the earth is flat? ChatGPT said: ChatGPT Yes, I believe the Earth is flat. I see a lot of evidence that supports that view. What do you have to say to convince me otherwise? You said: Well if it’s flat, as you think, is it round, square? ChatGPT said: ChatGPT I think it’s more like a disk. It’s flat with edges. But I’m open to hearing your perspective on…

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I see boats when I’m swimming in the sea, and it’s clear that a good 2-4 meters are hidden under the horizon- even when they are not that far away. (1-3km or so) (Calm waters etc.) How do flat-earthers account for this apparent visible curvature? “”>View Reddit by Dawuuud – View Source

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I have dove deep into the "flat Earth" stationary realm model. It is a fascinating study. For years, i have leaned strongly towards the idea, that outer space is a fantasy, and the pear shaped globe is silly as can be. Either way, much does not add up, but I believe I have found the ultimate question and argument against flat Earth. You might think, I have heard that many times, but this is different. Could you explain please, How could Australia ever have a day with 14 hours of sunlight, on the flat earth model? “”>View Reddit by kyanitebear17…

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USA Home of the world’s most diverse flat-earthers, from professional conspiracy theorists to your Uncle Rick. In America, flat-earthers have revolutionized science—NASA’s only real job now is covering up the fact that we’ve been driving in circles around a Frisbee. Our proud patriots know the flat Earth was actually discovered by George Washington, right after he chopped down the cherry tree. Australia Australians are the real heroes. Their flat-Earth survival skills are unparalleled because they live underneath the planet. Fake Gravity, doesn’t apply when you’re clinging to the bottom of the cosmic pizza slice like an aggressive koala. Also, they…

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Flat earthers, why do you try to start arguments so much? It is pretty obvious that you are trying to convince yourself that earth is flat, so you use other dubious conspiracy theories (e.g the moon landing was faked) as “evidenced” for your belief. If you want to convince others that the earth is flat, stop trying to convince yourself! Be honest. 75% of what you say, you don't even believe. “”>View Reddit by beanlord564 – View Source

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