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The Ferret’s newest face is David Hunt. Many of you have heard him on the Rabbit Hole show with Shelley Lewis on Wednesdays here on FERLive dot com. David comes to us as a sort of gift from God as an answer to a prayer because he is not only a host and a contributing journalist he is also a contributing member and supporter of FERLive and FEMG. David is what we call a self contained unit. We are not “sending” David to Calgary as much as David is GOING to Calgary and that, as they say, is that! And now FENN’s Hunt is going to Calgary for the Truth Quest 2019 meetup later this month (May).

This young man is a mixture of curiosity and tenacity, he goes after flat-earth news like a dog goes after a bone. David attended the QE2019 conference in Loma Linda California early this year and not only covered the event for us, he also assisted in setting up the stage and other important aspects as a volunteer. We also consider him an Ambassador both of the faith and of The Ferret.

Information About The Event

According to its website at Eventbrite dot com;


“You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”

So what exactly is truth? Who can we believe? Is the truth really out there? Join us in our Quest for Truth as we encourage critical thinking in a safe and supportive environment. The “Truth Quest Calgary 2019” Conference will be featuring a panel of riveting speakers with compelling subject matter:

  • Matt Long is an avid student of the Bible, particularly Genesis and “Literal Biblical Cosmology”, and speaks to the question: “Can we believe the Bible? Is there actual evidence for the faith of so many?”
  • Robbie Davidson is the founder of Celebrate Truth and the organizer of FEIC, and speaks to Scientism Exposed
  • Mark K. Sargent released a series of youtube videos titled “Flat Earth Clues” and speaks to how the Flat Earth community has advanced in the last 4 years
  • Emily Pittsford is an author, blogger and speaker, who communicates on gender confusion issues and her personal life experiences
  • Jared Chrestman is co-creator of the organization “Through the Black” and his main focus is on spiritual warfare education, speaking to the question: “Is there really a battle for our minds?”
  • Nathan Reynolds is the author of “Snatched from the Flames”, the true story of one man’s journey to uncover the Family Secrets buried in his blood-stained past

Tickets are on sale now! Please note that tickets must be purchased in advance through their site only.

You can buy tickets and learn more here <—- Opens in new window



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