The following is of a commentary nature and does not necessarily reflect the views of FER management

Not many of you reading this will remember what it’s like to listen to a Smokey Robinson song while cruising down the Blvd with the top down on a Saturday night. And hopefully not many of you will remember what it was like for the bus driver to force you to choose between sitting at the back of the bus or jail either. And all too few of us will recall what it was like to go to bed at night and not even lock your doors. But those things were once the way it was in America, and is no more. Now the songs on that radio are putrid and violent and filled with disgusting lyrics. And cruising in many cities could get you a ticket, not to mention the folly of failing to lock your doors at any time of the night or day.

Understand that these things once were normal and accepted by the populace of this nation and others.

People Are Waking Up To The Truth

Flash forward to today when people fight over the actual shape of the Earth. And people still believe in and support fat cat presidents with nothing but a rabbit up his sleeve. And we still believed that we could fly to the Moon and beyond, even send a probe to the Sun. I tell you friends that the day is fast approaching when these things will take their places among the museums of foolish Human thought processes for our children to walk past one day and say, Wow! They will all have difficulties in accepting what we are arguing about today, as much difficulty as my Grandson has when I tell him that gas was once a Quarter a gallon.

The Truth Passes Through Stages

Known colloquially as “the four stages of truth“. During the first stage, the issue goes unrecognized and is therefore ignored.  The second stage is one of ridicule, as in “that’s ridiculous”. The third stage is characterized by a period of vehement denial. Finally, the fourth stage witnesses the truth being recognized as “self evident”

The end result of this stage trace is that the fourth stage can be considered as forthcoming and should be expected. As in the truth about the shape of the Earth, it may or may not be actually determined in our lifetimes or forever for that matter. But one thing that will be established beyond clarity is that we have all been lied to about it. And won’t it be interesting to find out all the varying forms of government involved in those lies too. Because one thing that we can establish by the reading of the four stages is that, a story that just won’t go away… always seem to be the right one.

NEWS FLASH; Contrary to what you’ve been told, your kids aren’t stupid. The system is!

And finally, something to take courage from, that these four stages also indicate a system that always ends by doing the right thing! Do the right thing America, stop NASA and Musk and his company from lying to your kids a single day longer. Why prolong the inevitable, ask your kids what they think about the fake Moon landings! Take a wild chance and ask them, if you dare! Many of you will not because you’re terribly afraid of what you might find out. That your generation and theirs really does have a gap, and the debarkation line is that you believe in lies taught to your generation as real. They on the other hand, do not!

Learn more about the four stages of truth


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