Here’s a good question for you, let’s see if you can answer it. Why did the Apollo 11 spacecraft design utilize liquid fuel cells instead of hard case Lithium Ion batteries. The answer, who can say… likely because the design is said to discharge pure water as a byproduct, making it a necessity. But if it were left to these batteries to run the whole Lunar Module, sorry it won’t start bad battery.

The truth about Lithium Ion batteries is much more disturbing. In temps below 30 degree’s Fahrenheit it becomes difficult and dangerous to charge them as they could very well explode in that kind of temperature extremes. So again, why didn’t they use Lithium Ion batteries… because of the explosion hazard!

Manufacturers of Lithium batteries recommend that you never attempt to charge a cold Lithium Ion battery. According to the manufacturer:

“When it comes to recharging lithium-ion batteries, however, there’s one hard and fast rule: to prevent irreversible damage to the battery, don’t charge them when the temperature falls below freezing (0°C or 32°F) without reducing the charge current. Unless your battery management system”

It’s difficult to maintain a serious look on ones face when presented with this data. Are you going to sit there and let this pass you by? Get this friends, the batteries in the camera’s were Lithium Ion batteries… they didn’t explode. The batteries in the radio headsets were Lithium Ion, they didn’t explode either.

We think its safe to say that no Lithium Ion batteries were onboard that fake space ship. Because if there were tiny explosions would be going off left and right.

Bashing the Apollo Moon Hoax is so easy and because it represents a hole in the proverbial wall of lies we must pursue it down any road or path that it takes. With the various claims that the moon gets to about -200 °F in the shade and up to +200 °F in full sunlight. According to conspiracy theorists, this range is way too much and would have:

  • rendered the film unusable (because it would have shattered in the cold or melted in the heat), and
  • been very dangerous to the astronauts, if not deadly due to explosion hazards.

There’s one more piece of information that you need to remember when trying to understand this claim:  The moon lacks an atmosphere – there’s no air!  This may seem like a basic, obvious statement, but it really makes all the difference. 

On Earth, the Sun heats the ground (because the air really absorbs very little radiation) through Radiation.  The ground, in contact with the air, then heats the air near the surface by Conduction.  Because air is like soup and not like chili, it easily Convects, warming the whole planet.  This is part of why there is comparatively very little difference between the day and night air temperatures on the planet, as opposed to, say, Mars.”

So says the website “Pseudoastro”: There is no atmosphere to speak of, and so there is absolutely no way for the heat to distribute throughout the moon other than through the slow process of conduction (which doesn’t heat more than a few meters deep, called the “skin depth”).

All this new information makes it continually likely that NASA is headed for a full-disclosure one day very soon, watch for it.

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