The heliononsensical model claims that the sun moves 15 degrees per hour through the sky proving that the earth is spinning. This is a false conclusion. Yes the sun appears to move ABOUT 15 degrees per hour for most of the day. It is simply due to perspective and how your eyes see the sun. The problem happens when the sun is just coming into view or when the sun is just moving away out of view. We rarely if ever get to see those final moments due to atmospheric density. When we look across the plane the atmosphere over distance becomes opaque and blocks our view of the sun as it continues its journey away. Only when you can view the sun from 1) altitude 2) over dry land with close to zero humidity 3) on a super clear day 4) filmed with a 4K camera because our eyes can not see that far well. The sun STOPS appearing to go down and you can see it move away and fade into the thickness of the atmosphere.

We live in a world of lies pushed on us by the upper levels of the world controllers. It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them they have been lied to especially when they are unknowingly addicted to the fear. If the FOUNDATION of your world belief is that you are on a spinning water globe pear rocket flying through an infinite space vacuum, then you will not know WHO you are, WHERE you are and WHAT you truly are. You will be lost and feel insignificant not KNOWING that you are at the center of creation rather than on a speck of dust in an ever expanding universe.

With that belief you can be convince of anything. To wake up you MUST start with the foundation of your world and from there you can see beyond the imaginary curve.

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