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US DOD Statistic Reveal Covid Vaccine Increased Morbidity By 1100% In 2021

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I want to hear this correctly

yes OK we know from the D med database the military’s database which we’re looking at because that’s our plane of class that in 10 months of 2021 so not even the complete year all causes morbidity and mortality had increased according to the military zone numbers by 1100% 1100% / 2020 among who 2020 between 18 and 40 was the deemed manufactured by research under

in the military

that’s what I’m telling you that is the database that we are operating on 1100% yes that’s right and if you look at the way that the charts go and don’t forget I’m in the more bit of new business we underwrite accidency we underwrite exit sickness health and disability insurance if you look at the forecast that should be in the neighborhood of 5000% increased this year please this shit

oh my gosh

yeah this isn’t this is Genocide you said it’s a very beginning look thank you one and easy way you’re looking this is really simple and if you look at all of the documentation sizes, documentation that the we did mass spectrometry on their vials, we know what’s in these things. And in fact, they even admit that they added an HIV protein into the shots for the purpose of disabling people’s autoimmune. Ready, they couldn’t slip these lipid nanoparticles which are in fact little bombers that carry pathogenic proteins to effectuate gene modification in the individual gene therapies they call it in order to get those lipid nanoparticles past your cellular defense, your body’s defense, they had to disarm your immune system. And he did that it’s in all the scientific papers. What they didn’t do is undo that. So effectively when you talk to our expert witness he call it auto immune deficiency syndrome. It’s basically vaccine aids and right now they’re coming to understand this, people showing up HIV positive people with three shots that have no immune system left over whatsoever. There is no other way to characterize this other than intentional homicide be unlawful take human life, except that it’s in large numbers, which makes it a genocide. So this is criminal and we actually filed a criminal complaint we we created one in March of 2021 20,000 of them were downloaded and filed all over the United States and the world and until very recently, no law enforcement would take up the case or even investigate it. That’s called a conspiracy. It’s a very grand conspiracy

is a vaccine delivered AIDS epidemic. That’s right. That’s correct.

In fact, what’s really odd about that is now they’re starting to open up the theme of death camps, as I call them, their quarantine centers under the intergovernmental agreements, and you will note and I’ll send you a copy of one that the the camps are not to discriminate for purposes of infectious disease purposes of who gets quarantined and who does it. They’re not allowed to discriminate against people that are aids positive HIV positive, because that would be the entire population of people that got those shots, particularly the Pfizer Maderna shots. We know that those are the HIV proteins that they put in there in order to disable the systems

and the vaccinated people. Not knowing they don’t know that their immune system has been turned off. Now then they’re now vulnerable to all kinds of viruses and germs. Right. And they may die from something else and nobody connects it to the vaccine.

They that’s exactly what’s happening. And, you know, to your point, people don’t even know that they have been participating as laboratory animals in a phase three clinical trial. None of the shot



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