1. " It's CGI!!!!" CGI means Computer Generated Images. by editing a photo to have a curved ball earth it is not "CGI" it is photo manipulation.
  2. " What about flights!!!" Flight maps look vastly different, on a flat map a flight line would look like an arch however in the real world flight curve with the earth and move with it. The fact that flight lines on maps have curves show that the earth is NOT flat
  3. "If the earth was a sphere all the water would flow towards the bottom!!!" That's not how gravity works, gravity pulls things towards the enter of the earth, so with an ocean it would stay where it is, but with your Coke in a glass it flows down because that's the direction of the center of the earth.
  4. "People have believed the earth is flat for thousands of years!!" Key word here "BELIEVED" believed implies that they thought it did. also even if you did say that they knew it was flat, you can literally check any website or book about ancient civilizations and you will instantly be disproved.
  5. "NASA edited the curve in their image!!" I don't understand this one because if we discovered the earth was flat why would we hide it? It would be a massive discovery as we have believed it's a globe for millions of years. Also there was live footage from the moon landing which showed a curved earth.

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