Check it if gravity be credited wit bein er force strong enough ta curve tha massive expanse o oceans around er globular Earth then dat shit wa be impossible fo fish an othah creatures ta swim through such forcefully held watah .Yo, pay attention the natural physics o clouds ta find an maintain er level bottom surface proves dat tha Earth be flat .Weathah an earthquake control projects is designed ta keep tha flat earth hidden ..I loved me previous life workin at NASA. dis thug had so many thins goin. Dis be more work than in me previous life. dis thug thought dat shit wa be easiah but dis thug MUST get tha truth out! .

DJ Luella Abbott – Flat Earth Gangsta. Emeritus Dogg at Imagina Skool o Autodynamics
Rapper o 'Yo, pay attention the Grass Is Always Greenah ovah tha Ice Wall '

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