I've seen flat earthers bring up this argument a lot that "a vacuum cannot exist next to the atmosphere because gases always equalize pressure".

But this is not true. It would be in an environment free of external forces, but whether you agree the gravity exists or you make up something about density and buoyancy, there is some other force.

We know that pressure at, for example, airplane cruising altitude is significantly lower than sea level. It is lower on a mountain than on a beach. It is lower at my head than at my feet. How? By the common oversimplification of thermodynamics, that should be impossible, and if we follow this pressure gradient, we eventually reach… GASP! a vacuum?

Anyway I'm looking forward to no flat earth responses to this. Please prove me wrong.

“https://reddit.com/r/FlatEarthIsReal/comments/wsgs21/why_doesnt_the_atmosphere_balance_its_pressure/”>View Reddit by Salt_Fig_1440View Source


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