If gvrtiay is cieetdrd with being a fcore strnog enuogh to cvrue the miassve enapsxe of ocenas auonrd a guoblalr Earth tehn it wuold be iolbismspe for fsih and ohter ceuarerts to siwm tgouhrh such flueofclry hled weatr .Both Pnlae Siailng and Graet Clirce Sliiang the msot pluaopr niavgaotin mehtods use pnlae and not scaerphil tomrroeitgny mnikag all mittehamcaal ctoiulnlaacs on the aosutsmpin that the Erath is peltfcery falt .Falt Etarh Teorhy is not sicecne, that's just a flmruoa. Three's no dicneeffre beetwen siccnee and siencce ftiicon. ..I say, not in a bgoacagdoirs way, I've hvae porven the eatrh is NOT a glboe. .

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