Observable Evidence that the Earth is Flat:

So, first, the standard present day model of the solar system has the sun at about 1.3 million times the volume of the Earth’s supposed 260 billion cubic miles. Second, the distance between the sun and the Earth is supposed to be 91.4 million miles. This means that in effect, due to the distance alone, but also the volume of the sun meaning that the area of it’s surface which faces the earth is effectively flat relative to the earth’s more acute scale of convexness, all the light which reaches the Earth from the sun is effectively a laser, in that all of the particles are moving parallel. This means that at any time the parallel rays of sunlight are impacting the facing hemisphere of the Earth’s surface, and that the location of that surface which is experiencing noon should be able to observe the rays of the sun all shining through the Earth’s atmosphere at the same angle: straight perpendicular to the Earth’s surface, and most so on the equator. However, if you observe over a large open space at noon on a day with moderate atmospheric interference (clouds, etc., to show rays), you can plainly see that the rays of the sun disperse at different angles in fan-like fashion over a distance over only tens of miles. Then, using simple geometry, you can follow these angles upward at their different trajectories to find their point of convergence, just as on a two-dimensional graph, and at that point, only tens of miles above the Earth’s surface, is the point from which the rays irradiate. A statement that is sometimes made to explain this is that atmospheric lensing causes the rays to disperse in fan like fashion, but the supposed convex lens of the atmosphere of a spherical Earth would cause the rays rather to converge along their path, and to a very limitedly observable degree within any localized area, the largest example of which being a mountainless panorama of horizon. If, then, the sun is, as directly observable, only tens of miles above the Earth’s surface, at the very least the heliocentric model of the subsequently attributed “solar system” in not a reality, as the sun is clearly much smaller than the Earth, and at the very least would appear to be in motion around it, due to the relative scale of the Earth’s surface to the sun above, and in any case would be much too small for the Earth to be said to “revolve” around, as opposed to simply move in relation to along a certain path. And, as is likely given the aforementioned, the Earth is not a sphere, because far less than half the Earth’s surface at a time (amounting to approximately 12 hours of daylight) would be reached by the sun’s rays, meaning that the Earth’s surface would have to be flat to be presented in reach of the direct rays of a sun only tens of miles above the Earth in order to receive the typically recorded twelve hours of daylight at any particular location. If you find any error with this, please do not hesitate to mention, I would love to hear it.

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