Hey guys I am creating a short video about the flat earth community and I need a couple of online interviews from flat earthers for it, here is some context. I should fully disclose I am not a flat earther and I am not on the fence about it either. My documentary isn't about the shape of the earth it's just about the community of flat earthers, how the view themselves and how the view others. The purpose is to make an empathic piece, helping people to understand a community that they have very little in common with. Because of this, I will not use any of your responses in a way to insult you or the flat earth community. My video is all about listening. So if you are a flat earther, strongly, and have some time to spare please DM/message me, you will only have to answer though text, you want need to be on a call or anything. Thanks in advance and if you see this post has been deleted that means I got all the answers I needed (I only need 5-6 people)

“https://reddit.com/r/FlatEarthIsReal/comments/121hyla/need_help_from_flat_earthers_i_am_making_a_short/”>View Reddit by [deleted]View Source


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