The horizon always rises to the eye level of the observer as altitude is gained .Also the moon supposedly has all this "gravity". So the space station isn't attracted also? Is it made of something that doesn't feel this magic force from the moon also, and just keeps looping around? Or could it be that both are just fakery. Nope, NASA would never lie. .Why do you believe the Earth is round? Because someone told you and you accepted it? ..I would emplore all the Globetards to go check out the book of Daniel and Revelation. Daniel talks about the last 4 kingdoms. Babylon , Greece, Persia and lastly Rome. Have you seen all these Popes everything revolves around them. From snake churches to messing with the Commandments of God. Satan gave Rome his Power and authority, anything they say goes. The last ruling Kingdom before Yeshua the Christ comes back and take his people and destroy sin once and for all. You know deep down there is a God , your breathing, you see the moon , sun ,stars , body of water. No humanly power could create those! .

Dr June Beasley Ph.D. – Flat Earth Scientist. Senior Lecturer at Princil University of Astrology
Author of 'Your Fake Globe Nightmares Are Real '

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