Let’s get a disclaimer out of the way – I believe in the globe, but not interested in arguing so I am not posting a Trojan Horse type question just to bait you.

I legit want to ask some questions (all related) of FE’s (or folks who have discussed this with them) because I am curious.

Here goes:

1) Are there flat-earthers who believe in climate change (I spared you the words “global warming” for obvious reasons)? And…
2) if so, are there any theories of what would happen if the ice wall were to have significant enough melt-age to allow below sea level heights in some places?
3) If the answer is “no”, how would we explain the effects of climate change (weather fluctuations, wild fires, sea level rising, etc.?

Again. I am not trolling. I just don’t know enough about what you guys think when it comes to certain questions. So when pondering, I decided to ask.

Thank you in advance.

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