Amateur balloon footage taken above the clouds has provided stunning visual proof that the Sun cannot be millions of miles away .The Solar system, the Universe, the flat Earth and all humans are composed of + 0 – antipodes, and equal to nothing if added as a ONE or Entity. .The Jews are getting in the way. Do you think it's a coincidence that rabbis wear black, and that the symbols of the Illuminati, the Freemasons, and most pizza chains have triangles in them?

Rabbis form human pyramids and block out the Southern Cross with their black robes.

You know what a pyramid is in 2D? A triangle. And you know what a sphere is in 2D? A disc. The connection has been right under your nose this whole time.

Okay, I admit that pizza slices actually aren't triangles, but more like Trivial Pursuit pieces, but do you know what rabbis are? Educated men with a broad general knowledge, which makes them SUSPICIOUSLY good at Trivial Pursuit.

Really makes you think. ..All power of fancy over reason is a degree of insanity. .

Dr Warren Phillips Ph.D. – Flat Earth Scientist. Emeritus Professor at Infini University of Energy Medicine
Author of 'Beyond Coincidence: Stories of FLat Earth Science and the mystery and mathematics that lie behind them '

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