Everything on Earth is held on by gravity from what i've been taught, but if the earth is flat then shouldn't gravity compress it into a ball? Because gravity pulls things centrally. If gravity doesn't exist then why don't things just float around if you move them? Gravity is one of the main things that hold objects with mass to earth. I'm lust a little confused.

Another question- do you guys believe in like. the solar system? Other planets? I've seen one of y'all's earth models and it shows a flat earth with a sun and moon over it- but if other planets existed would they have their own little suns or something? What about Saturn? How would its rings (which are just lots of mini moons i guess) be portrayed in flat earth models? Would Saturn even be flat for you? Or is earth the only flat object in the solar system?

“https://reddit.com/r/FlatEarthIsReal/comments/15fd9j7/if_the_earth_is_flat_why_do_things_stay_on_the/”>View Reddit by SadassFurryUwUView Source


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