Perspective is important.

For the purposes of this post I'm going to need you to accept that as an object moves away from you, it appears to decrease in size. This is due to the fact that as the object is moved farther away from you, the light reflected/emitted from that object occupies a smaller percentage of your vision. If you want to know exactly how much something should shrink with distance, you can calculate it with the power of trigonometry!

The equation for apparent size is this:

h' = 2 x arctan(h/(2 x D)


Apparent Size = 2 x arctan((height of object)/(2*Distance To Object))

This means that as an object moves towards/away from you, its apparent size will change proportionally with this distance.

On the sphere model of earth, we expect the sun to maintain relatively the same distance to the earth throughout the day. So we would not expect any significant apparent size change in either the sun and the moon, which is exactly what we observe in reality.

On the flat earth model, my understanding of their argument is that they believe the sun doesn't "set" below the horizon but instead vanishes by moving out of sight. If this were the case, would we not expect the sun to shrink as it moves away out of sight?

On the flat earth model, how do you rectify your model with the dramatic changes in distance but the complete lack of a change in apparent size? Are the sun and moon somehow immune to perspective changes? Is it refraction? If so, why are the sun and moon the only things that "refract" in a way that they DO NOT change apparent size throughout the day?

On the flat earth model, the sun and moon should pop into our field of view as very small objects and get bigger until they are overhead and then continue to shrink out of sight as they set. This is not what happens or what anyone observes. What we observe in reality is that both the sun and moon maintain roughly the same apparent size throughout the day, as is predicted by the sphere model of the earth.

There don't seem to be any consensus or agreement on what the specific height and size of the sun and moon on the flat earth model should be, but if you give me those numbers I have a spreadsheet that will work out exactly how much bigger/smaller the sun and moon should be throughout the day on the flat earth model.

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