this may seem like a joke post but as you all know the round or flat earth debate theories I have come to the conclusion that this Is a cube shaped earth as for one the flat earth would be ripped apart by the suns gravity but the round earth would crush us under its intense gravity and would implode on itself creating a black hole however a cube shaped earth avoids both as it its sturdy enough to provide protection from the sun ripping us apart but also not massive enough to collapse on its own weight however with that in mind I sense my post will be silenced as the government doesn't want to let any of you know the truth about existence and use the earth shape as a distraction to not let us know what's behind the Antarctic fortress created so we cannot find the lost continents behind it that is also why we cannot visit Antarctica or any of the 4 corners of the world as behind them lies a giant waterfall to the other lost continents, I dont know if I have a lot of time left because people could be watching me post this but just to say this for now you all have been indoctrinated into believing the earth was round and flat by big nasa so you won't find the truth about the world

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