I written this quick text for another community about… flat earthers, and I wanted to post it here because… Idk, just wanted to. The people i am speaking to in this text are not the flat earthers.

When you think about debunking flat earthers, you may think that you would have to come up with math, or complex proves, however they will not accept that, even if you show math from before baby jesus was born, from greeks showing how flat earth is dumb, they will not give a shit, because that would be too rational to them. So, following that line, i will analyze the theory of flat earth, without any observation, without any math or anything, just logic and politics.

Before I say anything else, the flat earthers are not the worst conspiration theory, they are harmless, in fact. If we ever had a society which believed heavily in a system that does not work, it will soon succumb.
They can do damage to humans at an individual level? Of course. Can they do as much damage as other theories like anti-vaxxing? No, not even close.

I would try to go ask the flat earth community for a small paragraph about their theory, so That I would not add any biases i might have, however, i do not know how to approach them, so yeah, here you go, a small paragraph on what the flat earth theory seems to me.

”The flat earth theory is a theory which believes that the actual geometric form of the planet earth, where all humans live, is actually not a ball or any circular 3rd form, instead a flat geometric form, and it is an absolute truth, impossible to be proven wrong in any way or with any proof. A common organization are the global elites, which control all politics and money in the world, or at least a part large enough to seem like that. The global elites know that the earth is actually flat and not round, but will use all of its economic and political power to make everyone think the opposite, that the earth is actually a ball spinning and orbiting the sun.”

Finally, we can analyze it. The most important affirmation here is that the global elites exist, and they are trying to hide the absolute truth that the earth is flat. Why are they? Like any rich and powerful organization, they would not throw money at a stupid and useless project, unless it gives them clear power and value, and why is hiding that the earth is flat important for them?

I managed to think of two possibilities, which the flat earthers could answer. The first one is that they want to dominate and control humanity, which I can quickly dismiss by saying “How will hiding something like that going to achieve it?” And the other one, which is normally used by religious flat earthers, is that they want to hide god. Again, why do they want to hide god, Maybe you could ask why the fact that earth is flat is relevant, but that may be implicit, so I ignore this question, and they already failed, as at least 60% of people across 26 countries said they believed in god or any form of higher spirit (Source), and as these global elites existed for a long time ago, even before most modern countries started, they had no success for a long long time, succeeding only when, very conveniently, humanism and rationalism appeared (rationalism which lots of humans today seems to have forgot), so you may see how it makes little to no sense.

This used a grand total of one source, and if you find it unreliable, do your own research. I will not write any more conclusions, you may decide which is yours after reading this text. Just be warned, it is not professional, and if you are offended by this, please do not be, an try reading it a bit, then you can get offended.

Edits: Forgot to add another argument, this is very important argument:

Global elites hold all military and legislative power, so there is absolutely no way flat earth community itself exists, as the global elites has to send one professional assassin and that man who told everyone how flat earth is the actual earth is gone (Even more because most of flat earthers are not likely to have a entire military complex ready to protect them against the ones who control all military power.)

Found someone in this subreddit with other reasons for the global elites to do the stuff they do. My last argument still stands, but lets read what it said:

"That’s what they all ask when they realize the earth is flat. There are a lot of reasons, 1. They’re hiding more land and the globe keeps you trapped in a certain area of the plane where they tell you there’s no other land to explore. 2. They’re hiding more resources to keep you thinking that there’s a lack of resources when there’s infinite resources. 3. They’re hiding the creator because once you realize you’re not a speck of dust flying through an infinite universe and that you’re at the center or creation, with the sun, moon, and stars revolving above you and controlling your life, then you realize there’s a creator. "

So, in resume, the arguments are: They are hiding land, so there is no where to explore and settle or something, They are hiding resources so that it creates a lack of resources and the third one which i have already explored, the creator thing.

And the first two are in fact actual reasons that an evil capitalistic organization would do, ironically, as it can create a scarsity that will slowly drain the money from the rest of the world to their bank accounts, at which point, they will rule even more of the world.

So, in any of these two cases, we should see a complete take over of the global elites and at some point they will say "Yeah, the earth is flat, we are going to take all these resources and land, it is ours, cry me a river and try to do anything, you can not stop us."

“https://reddit.com/r/FlatEarthIsReal/comments/18ejq07/pls_no_hate_but_here_is_my_personal_arguing_to/”>View Reddit by [deleted]View Source


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