explain how stars move counter clockwise in the northern hemisphere but clockwise in the southern hemisphere

explain why different constellations are visible in specific seasons

explain eclipses

explain why you can travel in a straight line and end up in the spot you began from? do you think the government just places invisible teleportation portals in the middle of the ocean that bring you back to specifically where you came from?

explain why you can see objects like ships disappear in the horizon from bottom to top, you can observe this even better with a camera that has a good zoom

explain why you don't end up in antarctica if you travel in a straight line in any direction


I guarantee flat earthers wont be able to give an actual answer to any of these

“https://reddit.com/r/FlatEarthIsReal/comments/1964kai/flat_earthers_explain/”>View Reddit by Fair-Satisfaction-70View Source


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