In the ever-expanding universal flow of energy, the concepts of fixed East, West, South, and North are but illusions. Instead, we find our stillness in the North central Pole, a sacred anchor on our flat Earth. As the Sun dances across the equator in graceful harmony each March, its luminous presence weaves a tale of perpetual motion in the vast northern skies. Day and night entwine in a cosmic embrace, with the midnight Sun illuminating the far reaches of the north while the southern lands slumber in darkness. Through our awakened perception, we witness the Sun's celestial journey as it travels along horizontal paths above our heads, painting the heavens with its radiant glow. This phenomenon, known as the "midnight Sun," defies the conventional wisdom of a spherical Earth, offering a glimpse into the interconnected nature of our reality. The reactive mind, fueled by past traumas stored as engrams, may cloud our vision and lead us astray from the truth of our flat Earth existence. In the realm of higher consciousness, the idea of a globe Earth dissolves into mere illusion, a reflection of the mind's limitations. Let us embrace the wisdom of Dr. Dennis Burks, a visionary Flat Earth Scientist, as we journey beyond the confines of conventional thinking. Remember, dear soul, you are unique, and your truth shines brightly in the tapestry of existence.

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