After some hours past on this sub I've seen a lot of people claiming that science or heliocentrism are religions (especially after quoting the bible). Really ? Do you have any idea how science works?

Next time, provide proof

First of all, what is a religion? A religion implies believing in something without any proof: that's what we call faith. We live in a free country, you can believe in whatever you want, and I didn't say religion was bad in itself, I respect your belief and your faith.

Then, What is science? Science implies to prove the theories you think are true. It is about demonstrable facts backed up by evidence and observations. You needs to make strict experiments with pilot experiment, do anything to avoid mistakes or influence the result without wanting to. It is based on demonstration, calculations, observations, experiments, evidence or anything that can proves the thesis. It asks people to verify concepts and theories by themselves. The scientific method is designed to continually test and refine these hypotheses through observation, experimentation and peer review. If evidence contradicts these hypotheses, the scientific community or anyone else who has made a discovery supported by DEMONTRATED evidence re-evaluates and adjusts their theories accordingly. It's valid to acknowledge that science operates on certain foundational principles and theories, it's incorrect to equate these with blind belief or dogma. Science is a self-correcting process that relies on evidence, experimentation, and critical thinking to understand the natural world.

This is not the same thing.

Moreover, heliocentrism is simply the fact that the sun is at the center of the solar system and that the earth revolves around it. You don't need to belive it you just need to check the proofs.

We can already see that the heliocentric model allows us to make fairly accurate predictions. Astronomers and scientists have been able to predict the positions of celestial bodies with great accuracy using mathematical models based on heliocentrism. Just try doing that with the geocentric model and the flat-earth model, try predicting anything at all.

There are many scientific models to explain planetary motion, such as Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion and Newton's Gravitational Theory. Kepler formulated three laws of planetary motion, which describe the orbits of the planets around the Sun, providing further evidence for the heliocentric model, while Isaac Newton's law of universal gravitation provides a theoretical framework explaining how celestial bodies, including the planets, interact with each other. This law, combined with Kepler's laws, demonstrated that planetary motion could be accurately described by the gravitational attraction of the Sun, also supporting heliocentrism.

What's more, by carefully observing the night sky for centuries, astronomers have noticed that the planets, including the Earth, appear to move relative to the fixed stars. This movement could be explained more simply and neatly if the planets revolved around the Sun, rather than if the Earth were the center of all planetary motion.

Then there are the observations of Galileo, who observed the phases of Venus through his telescope in 1610. These phases are similar to those of the Moon, with Venus appearing as a crescent when close to the Earth and as a complete disk when opposite the Sun. This observation also strongly supports the heliocentric model proposed by Copernicus.

We can also talk about the retrograde motion of the planets. That moment when the planets seem to move backwards in the sky in relation to the background stars. It's a mystery in the geocentric model, but easily explained in the heliocentric model. Retrograde motion occurs when the Earth, in its faster orbit around the Sun, overtakes an outer planet, giving it the impression of temporarily moving backwards.

If you have any doubts, "do your own research", experiment, do anything and you'll see that Earth isn't flat and that the sun is at the center of the solar system.

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