I used to use Byrd as evidence for flat earth until I actually read his secret diary. The reason I believe this diary to be true is that, after Byrd died in 1957, his son released it(Byrd was sworn to secrecy). Surprise, his son died shortly thereafter, you can choose to believe that’s a coincidence, I choose not to. Byrd describes a giant hole 1000’s of miles wide at the north and South Pole, hollow earth theory now sounds much more plausible. Especially when the beings he conversed with said they were from the “Inner earth” highly recommend anyone read Byrds diary there’s a pdf online. But dont read what OTHER people have to say about it, read what he says about it, he’s the one who went.

“https://reddit.com/r/FlatEarthIsReal/comments/1b4ynh0/richard_byrd_vs_flat_earth/”>View Reddit by Just_Golf_1847View Source


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