it is amazing how people still believe in flat earth theory.

A common experiment to demonstrate is as the globe is curve, we should not see things after a particular distance.

I am going to prove that this is wrong. not because the people are wrong, because they do not take into account the accuracy required to conduct this experiment to get the result.

  1. People begin to measure without compensating for the increase in the vertical length. if you are wearing a shoes with 1 feet heel, you will see things that are not expected.

  2. this is the major one which eliminates the flat earth theory. our eyes can see far beyond the horizon. but when we are seeing things, it does not mean we have to see exactly the way things are. eyes can play a trick and it is known as optical illusion.

You can see the galaxies with your eyes. If simply looking at things can be considered a science experiment, it is worthless to say it is an experiment at all. You can see far beyond the horizon, when flat earth era say the globe is not real because we can see, because you do not take into account you are looking at a huge and tall object. you are only using eyes and saying this thing is not vanishing from my sight, the earth is flat, is not correct when you are looking at a 20 storied building in the city.

  1. If earth were really flat, there was a dome, more than ever it would shine or reflect due to sunlight.

  2. If earth was flat, the ancient civilizations like maya or any other would simply depict it in their curvings.

  3. Round shape is the most ideal shape in the universe. it is completely stupid to think earth is flat and all other planets are round in shape.

  4. no educated person with phds have ever proposed or supported this flat earth idea, unlike the moon landing theory where many educated scientists, phds, doctors and engineers have demonstrated that, according to nasa photographs and the available technology given at that time, we could.not have gone to the moon.

Do you really think flat earth, if real, would be so unappealing to scientists and phds to expose this theory and get a noble prize.

While flat earth era have increased, it is
to use our common sense to see what is and what is not to see. before you begin to see people's faulty experiment and conduct them yourselves in the same flawed way, and tell yourself the earth is flat, do have some common sense and research if the person leading you is some tom and Jake or an educated person.

a blind leading a blind would make the flat earth theory make accurate.

even if the masses are telling the wrong thing, does not say they are right. People at mental asylums would tell you that dying is good and you should make yourself dye, you would not do that because that is not accurate.

I am not against this flat earth theory but seeing gullible people are turned into stupid by believing this scam is not good. there are many theories which are worth exploring and make us question is scientific way but believing is flat earth is simply your mind not working as it should be

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