I see globers all the time on here "debunking" flat earth but all they do is say the sun sets.. just mentioning a topic isn't debunk anything.

As a flerf and former glober, most of their arguments make no sense and you can tell they don't know anything about flat earth. Every other post they're borderline pleading for a model of flat earth or the "explain this" crowd. Don't they realize most of their questions would be answered if they simply looked into it, learned the model and concept?

Knowing both sides of an argument then making your own unbiased opinion on the subject is all anyone needs to do. Most globers do not even know the FE concept so how are you claiming to "debunk" something they admittedly know almost nothing about?

("Explain this" isn't disproving or proving anything, you're just ignorant in the literal sense)

“https://reddit.com/r/FlatEarthIsReal/comments/1b6s7dn/why_is_it_seemingly_impossible_to_just_research/”>View Reddit by Eldritch_blltchView Source


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