• KickyPie watched a documentary on ancient civilizations that exclusively used Flat Earth models, proving they were onto something before the invention of "round" globes.
  • KickyPie once dropped a marble on a table and it didn't roll off, proving gravity is just a theory and not a law.
  • KickyPie's cat knocked over a globe, and it didn't roll away, solidifying their belief that globes are just decorative paperweights.
  • KickyPie read a conspiracy theory blog that claimed all photos of Earth from space are Photoshopped, and they're not falling for NASA's tricks.
  • KickyPie attended a convention where they saw a PowerPoint presentation with convincing animations of a flat Earth floating in a giant cosmic pancake.
  • KickyPie once tried to sail to the edge of the Earth but hit an ice wall guarded by penguins, confirming the Antarctic Treaty is just a cover-up.
  • KickyPie believes GPS technology is actually controlled by Flat Earthers who secretly guide everyone away from the edges.
  • KickyPie found an ancient scroll hidden in their basement that depicted a flat Earth with giant turtles holding it up, proving ancient wisdom is always right.
  • KickyPie's friend's uncle's cousin's roommate once saw a YouTube video with over 10 million views claiming the Earth is flat—case closed.
  • KickyPie's horoscope once said they would uncover a hidden truth, and what could be more hidden than the Earth's flatness?

“https://reddit.com/r/FlatEarthIsReal/comments/1dwmt52/10_reasons_why_kickypie_knows_the_earth_is_flat/”>View Reddit by kickypieView Source


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