1.) Your phone has a 3-Axis magnetometer on it. This sensor produces a vector that points directly at magnetic north. The vector pointing at magnetic north DOES NOT POINT AT THE HORIZON like the flat earth model predicts. Instead, magnetic north is BELOW the horizon a number of degrees corresponding to your latitude. For example, in the US magnetic north is between 40 and 60 degrees below the horizon! This is because of curvature and varies with latitude exactly as the sphere model predicts.

2.) Dip a pool ball in water and rotate at one rotation every 24 hours. The ball will come out wet and the water will not fly off the ball. If the ball comes out VISIBLY wet AT ALL, congratulations, there is more water sticking to that pool ball than there is water in earth's oceans relative to earth. You just demonstrated water sticking to a ball like the earth with relative quantities.

3.) Measure how long it takes for an object to fall. Place that object in a vacuum chamber and pump down to a vacuum. The object will still fall the same direction at the same rate even though there is NO FORCES OF BUOYANCY ACTING ON THEM! So, WHAT FORCE makes the magnetically neutral object in the vacuum chamber move down at exactly the acceleration the model of gravity predicts? Hint: It's gravity.

4.) On your phone, there is a sensor called an accelerometer. This accelerometer is capable of measuring gravity and all forces acting on your entire phone. Entire phone is important, it can't really measure if you snap the phone in half but it can measure if your phone is being accelerated in any direction and how much. This sensor is encapsulated in a small vacuum cavity to prevent environmental noise, so "density and buoyancy" do not affect an accelerometer whatsoever. This sensor on your phone will show a constant downward acceleration that EXACTLY correlates to the model of gravity. If gravity isn't real, what is this sensor measuring? (Again, it is isolated from the air so it can't be density or buoyancy). On some phones this sensor is even so sensitive that with some decent filtering you can pick up the gravity from the sun and moon as well as the differences in gravity caused by changes in elevation!

5.) If you get a decent spectrum analyzer and a receiver dish, you can literally pick up signals from satellites as well as see them on a decent telescope. Also, notice how all the dish network satellites are pointed at the sky and STILL GET A SIGNAL? You can point every telescope in the world at the spot the dish network satellite is pointed at and you will NEVER see a "sataloon" balloon, because that is absurd.

6.) On your phone there is a sensor called a barometer. This sensor measures atmospheric pressure. The pressure measured by this sensor correlates exactly with the sphere model and the forces of gravity and does not produce ANY pressure data that supports us being in a sealed container. Please provide an example of a barometer measuring a pressure gradient in a sealed container over a prolonged period of time, you cannot.

“https://reddit.com/r/FlatEarthIsReal/comments/1e0cb90/ways_you_can_prove_the_earth_is_a_spheroid_at/”>View Reddit by MaszynaMachinaView Source


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