Hey I have a few questions about Flat Earth theory.

If the entire earth is on a flat plain, why do we all get sunset and sunrise at different times? Wouldn't people in Japan and people in the UK be able to watch the same sunrise and sunset?

Why do we have different temperatures and climates at different latitudes if the earth has no curvature? Wouldn't we have mostly consistent temperatures and climates if the sun rays hit the entire earth at the same angle?

Why do the 2 hemispheres get their seasons at different times if the earth doesn't have a tilt?

I'm open minded but I don't see how you would work around those facts.

“https://reddit.com/r/FlatEarthIsReal/comments/1et4ssy/i_have_some_basic_questions_on_flat_earth_theory/”>View Reddit by JustSnow4422View Source


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