Lets go back to one of the most basic things. Water.

if the earth was a gigantic ball covered in water. Lets take a normal tennis ball. If you tried to cover it in water, the water would just fall off. If we scale the tennis ball to the size of the earth and got a gigantic water pitcher to pour water on the earth sized tennis ball, the water would fall off. Water obviously sticks to together. H20 molecules bond, but if the earth was a giant tennis ball, the water would still fall off. So people say gravity makes water stick to the spinning ball. Ok but the water would go down due to gravity. But if earth is a sphere and the gravity pulls inward from all directions to the core, then i guess water sticking to the earth would make sense.

So then we must ask ourselves is gravity real? well lets use water to disprove gravity. When something falls in the water gravity dictates it must go down. But a leaf wouldn't sink while a concrete brick will. Its because they are affected by density. So if water sticks together and gets dense is the water supposed to be dense enough to where its affected by gravity. But at the same time water isnt glue, while water molecules stick together its still liquid at the end of the day and goes everywhere when you move it around at high speeds.

So gravity doesn't seem to have the same effect on every single being. And even Heavy objects can float due to Buoyancy. And doesn't seem to purely be affected by an objects weight if they are buoyant enough on water they will float. The average plane weighs 337,100 to 485,300 pounds and can fly.

You weigh less at the equator than at the poles. Gravity seems to fluctuate. So instead of water curving being real or not maybe we should ask if gravity is real or not and instead its density making the apple fall from the tree.

Honestly, I have no idea where I'm going with this. Did I cook?

“https://reddit.com/r/FlatEarthIsReal/comments/1fg8poa/what_if_the_question_isnt_water_doesnt_curve_but/”>View Reddit by OneSolutionCruisingView Source


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