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Is The FBI The Most Dangerous Organization In America?

The Answer Is Yes From A Number of Prominent Sources

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Well a media outlet called the record which is owned by cyber security company recently published a story with the nsa’s monitoring of this show effectively admitting that it happened our identity the record said was included in an intel intercept and then quote unmasked intercepted of the record rather did not explain how that would be legal but it happened as we said it did glenn greenwald is an independent journalist you can read him and you should on sub stack which is a an unfiltered uncontrolled website for people who are independent glenn thanks much for coming on tonight unmasked why in the world would the u.s government be unmasking journalists particularly ones who are critical of them yeah i’m rry i’m trying to keep myself composed after that emotional footage i’m rry and i’m rry i’m rry i didn’t i think yeah i mean you should have given me a warning i’m i’m really on the verge of tears myself here after i haven’t heard that rry you know i think the the critical question is exactly what you just asked which is when let’s remember that the fundamental foundation principle is that the nsa is not supposed to be using its spying powers on american citizens unless that first gets a warrant which obviously didn’t have with regard to you metimes though they do find out things that you’re doing or saying if you’re for example talking to mebody who they are spying on or people they’re spying on are talking about things you said or done and when that happens there’s supposed to be protections in place for american citizens they’re supposed to hide your identity that your privacy isn’t invaded which is what happens when they learn things that you’re doing without a warrant in limited circumstances they have the right to unmask the identity of the american citizen who appears in their record and then disseminate it through the intelligence community for example if they listen to people saying we want to kill journalist a of course they would want to unmask it to warn the journalist that they’re being targeted none of that happened here and yet where is the media complaining about it the washington post actually published a story by their media critic eric gwempel who has no experience reporting on surveillance justifying that the nsa did this and claiming that you have no grounds for complaining about what conceivable justification is there tucker for the nsa to have gone and said we want to know this journalist’s name who is trying to get an interview with vladimir putin and the rea n the media doesn’t care in fact supports the nsa is because they’re on the side of the intelligence community and are very happy when those powers are abused for ideological ends against their ideological enemy which i’m rry to say includes you well that’s exactly what it was i mean they spread to news outlets that i was talking to russians in an effort to discredit and then control me of course that’s the point that’s why we don’t allow it i want to get your reaction uh speaking of federal powers that may be abused buzzfeed reported that most of the people involved in that famous plot right before the election to kidnap the governor of michigan gretchen whitmer were in fact working for the fbi you’ve covered a lot of these stories over the years were you surprised by that most of them were working for the fbi you know i think that as americans we are trained and i know i even after all all the reporting i’ve done to kind of reflexively disbelieve that the fbi could do mething like involve itself in a plot and then either encourage it or allow we all have that kind of instinct no that wouldn’t have happened but what i’m telling you is i spent a decade during the first war on terror this is the second war on terror reporting in one case after the next where the fbi would say we caught four young muslims plotting to blow up a bridge and in almost every case it turned out that these four young muslims were not very smart were emotionally unstable were financially vulnerable and the only plot that was created was one that was created by the fbi that brought it to them and then used their know-how of psychological manipulation to lure them into it the informants who were paid would do everything possible to get them to agree to it and then the fbi would announce oh we found this plot that was actually the fbi’s pot in the first place the only unanswered question that that committee should be asking instead of in between all the bbing and weeping and stuff is what role did the fbi have in terms of being embedded in the three groups they claim plotted this attack on the capital and did they purposely allow it to go forward because as the fbi has admitted we need the citizenry and fear in order to increase our budget in order to increase our surveillance authorities and the one relevant question about january that hasn’t been answered is the one that the media and the congress has declared off limits to ask boy they hate it and in fact republican members of congress were given instructions by their leaders not to push the fbi on this which is just mind-blowing but we should push i think we should and thank you for doing it glenn greenwald of substance great to see you hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else

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Is the FBI America’s Leading Terror Organization?

As details emerge of the FBI’s role in the plot to kidnap Governor Gretchen Whitmer, we have to consider the startling possibility that leading domestic terror organization in the country is the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Dinesh D’Souza is an author and filmmaker. A graduate of Dartmouth College, he was a senior domestic policy analyst in the Reagan administration.

He also served as a research fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.

He is the author of many bestselling books, including “Illiberal Education,” “What’s So Great About Christianity,” “America: Imagine a World Without Her,” “The Roots of Obama’s Rage,” “Death of a Nation,” and “United States of Socialism.”

His documentary films “2016: Obama’s America,” “America,” “Hillary’s America,” “Death of a Nation,” and “Trump Card” are among the highest-grossing political documentaries of all time.

He and his wife Debbie are also executive producers of the acclaimed feature film “Infidel.”

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Buy your copy of The Terror Factory: Inside the Fbi’s Manufactured War on Terrorism by Trevor Aaronson on ebay.

Terror Factory FBI, DibirdShow



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