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It seems like every year NASA treats the world to a series of photographs that were supposedly taken on Mars. They reportedly have a rover on Mars called “Curiosity.” It has taken high-quality photos of what appears to be the Martian surface. You can see plenty of red sandy hills and mountains in these photos. Also, plenty of blackish colored rocks. It certainly looks like a barren wasteland with no signs of life. Just like Death Valley…

How Curiosity Killed the Truth

Okay, let’s assume for a moment that Curiosity is taking these Martian surface photos with its built-in camera. If that is the case, how is the rover able to take photos of itself? If you notice, NASA has released images of the rover as it sits on the surface of Mars. These images show the full-frontal view of the rover and everything around it. How is that possible? There is obviously no one else on Mars to take photos of the rover. And there are no other actively working rovers around it either. Who or what is taking these photos of the rover?

NASA would respond by saying the rover has a selfie stick mechanism which allows the rover to take photos of itself. This is explained as a robotic arm which supposedly holds the camera out in front of the rover and snaps a bunch of photos. If that is true then why do some of the images look so far away from the rover? Sometimes the rover looks like it is at least 5 feet away from the camera. Why don’t we see the robotic arm in the photos?

Selfie Stick or CGI

According to NASA scientists, the published selfie photos of the rover are really a series of images that were edited together. The robotic arm moves the camera around and continuously snaps different shots of the rover from multiple angles and distances. Once NASA scientists receive these photos, they digitally stitch them together so the selfie stick doesn’t show. All we see is the rover by itself.

Importantly, NASA is openly admitting that they are editing these images of the Mars rover. And yet, we are still supposed to believe that these images really came from Mars. This begs the question: How much editing was really done to do these photos? More importantly, how much computer-generated imagery (CGI) was used?

The rover images certainly look to be high quality. It almost looks like these images came out of a Hollywood movie or something. How can such a small rover send beautiful high-resolution photos to Earth when it is 54.6 million kilometers away? 

Obviously, there is something not right about all this. How do we know that NASA isn’t creating these rover images entirely out of CGI? That way, they can impress the public with their images while they cover up the truth about the mission… like the fact that there is no mission or any rover on Mars.




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