Browsing: NASA

NASA returns images sent from a probe a million space-miles that shows the Earth to be as round as a new golf ball. Then, strangely, Director of the National Planetarium and Space Museum Neil DeGrasse Tyson says that Earth is pear shaped. Someone should get together with this guy and tell him so he’ll quit making himself look stupid.

For the last 100 years, NASA and Hollywood filmmakers have sold the idea to the public that outer space is just a giant black endless void of empty space. We have all seen photos and videos of astronauts supposedly going up into outer space. However, we only see them orbiting close to the Earth. How come we never see them go farther out into the darkness of space?

Watch when a NASA rocket is positioned over its launching pad. It is always pointed straight up toward the sky in a vertical position. The rocket continues to remain vertical as it takes off from the ground,. Afterwards, something happens and the rocket changes position by tilting a little bit toward a different direction. The spectators on the ground assume the rocket will continue flying until it passes through the atmosphere and exosphere. However, some people have different theories about this.