Let it be said that in the end stages of the United States as it lay bleeding on the ground due to it’s budget woes, that a rich man appeared during America’s last election and bought the White House at a government auction. He then moved in with his Princess wife and pretended to be the president. It turned out that all he really wanted was the final smash-and-grab, and the opportunity to get even richer off the fact that no leadership exists. No leadership exists because democracy as it has been poured into our heads, isn’t real. It’s all just a stage play designed to keep us enslaved and to make rich money barons even richer.

And let it be known that when NASA lay bleeding on the ground at the very beginning of it’s budget cut end stages that would result in it’s death, that a man appeared who bought the whole operation for a dollar and proceeded to do the same thing. That is, to drain it dry of all it’s blood and to sell off all it’s elements at a government-sponsored auction… just like this president did. We saw the same thing happen to Russia when The Vlad appeared on the scene decades ago, and in North Korea when the family of the fattest and richest of the rich bought back the North Korean crown when their lifelong pontiff did up and die one day. Proving the validity of what this article suggests and at the same time shedding light on exactly what Elon Musk wants from us.

All this and more, said Der Fuhrer.

Actually we just made that quote up, but it certainly fits. And listen to this; privatization wasn’t very different from what it means now and what it meant to Der Nazi’s. Companies were being sold off but in reality they remained under control of the Nazi party through board members and the totalitarian system left them no room to make decisions above certain level. This process provided a stream of revenue that allowed the state to expand and continue it’s actions necessary for rearmament and massive government investments. It was used alongside many other measures like weird private public partnerships with company’s like Volkswagen and other government/business projects.

Government and private business have long enjoyed a sexual relationship, always leaving the working man footing the bills while they destroy what was built. And making a mockery of the sovereignty that was falsely weaved into our lives. It takes the sense of democracy to keep us all getting up and going to work in the morning and paying our bills. Without it they know that they would lose our captive hearts, and should that happen they will also lose our captive minds as well.

And so we are handed a sense of false reality, because they know that if you lose the mental programming you lose the people. People like Elon Musk come a $Billion-a-dozen and are running this delusion, this illusion that we call our world. And it’s time we all were offered a glimpse into that reality. The apocryphal Book of Thomas invites us: “learn what it is you’re seeing and you’ll understand what it is you’re looking at

It’s just a pretty bottle with some rich guys name on it… nothing more!

Learn more about the privatization of government



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